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Mrs. Ahuva Burger, assistant Director 

​Mrs. Burger joined Camp Olam in our 3rd year as a preschool Morah, and it was a pleasure and a privilege to have her join the administration in 2018. Her creativity, attention to detail, and genuine care for every camper make her such an asset to our program. She has worked as an educator, a camp staff member, and a camp administrator, and is currently working as a registered nurse, making her uniquely qualified to help us prioritize the safety and well-being of every Olam camper.


As our assistant director, Mrs. Burger helps design the programming and infrastructure necessary to cultivate an age-appropriate and enjoyable experience for each division. She supervises the office managers and monitors communication between the divisions of camp and their respective staff to ensure we are meeting the needs of every camper. Her involvement in parent communication is also invaluable to ensuring that the camp responds to all questions and feedback in a timely manner!

Mrs. Chani Tkatch, Preschool Director 

Of all the amazing upgrades that we made for Camp Olam 2022, bringing Mrs. Chani Tkatch on board as our preschool director was one of our favorites! Morah Chani’s qualifications include more than twenty years of educational experience, including experience designing preschool programming, making her an incredible asset to our team. Morah Chani was also trained in Dr. Becky Bailey's Conscious Discipline approach, an educational approach that focuses on social-emotional wellbeing and fostering an environment that allows children to thrive, and teaches parenting classes inspired by Conscious Discipline. 


Morah Chani develops our amazing preschool curriculum, planning activities and experiences that encourage creativity, learning, and enjoyment for all campers. She is also responsible for overseeing our preschool staff (each handpicked for their qualifications and dedication to our campers!) and supporting them in implementing the preschool programming. From staff training to daily organizational support, not to mention her role as our preschool parent liaison, Morah Chani helps to ensure that the Camp Olam preschool summer experience exceeds all expectations. She also uses her understanding of Conscious Discipline to ensure that every preschool camper is heard and supported throughout their Olam experience.

Mrs. Raizy Muller, Girls' Director/SEED Coordinator

With many years of experience in both general and special education across the elementary school spectrum, Mrs. Muller loves working with children and seeing their excitement in the classroom and beyond. Mrs. Muller is also uniquely qualified to serve as our SEED coordinator, as she was a SEED volunteer herself and knows the tremendous impact that Torah U’Mesorah’s SEED program has on the summer experience of girls growing up in an out of town community.


As the director of our girls' division and our SEED coordinator, Mrs. Muller uses her impressive organizational and programmatic expertise to oversee the division staff and programming for our elementary and middle school girls and serve as the division’s parent liaison. She also supervises and supports our incredible SEED girls to help create a phenomenal program for all COGs (Camp Olam Girls)! And if anyone is interested in having the SEED for a supper or Shabbos meal, please don’t hesitate to let Mrs. Muller know!

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Mrs. Rochie Niman, Camp Director

​Mrs. Niman opened Camp Olam way back in 2014, and truly cannot believe that over a decade has passed since its inception. While her initial motivation was providing a positive summer experience for her own siblings, she quickly realized that there was a need to fill in the Dallas community at large, and feels privileged and awed to have been able to fill this need as the camp has grown and evolved over the past ten years. A speech language pathologist with a background in language and literacy disorders, social-emotional learning, and trauma-informed care, Mrs. Niman uses her understanding of child development to ensure that Camp Olam provides a fun-filled, nurturing environment with a focus on safety, development, growth, creativity, and enjoyment.


As the camp director, Mrs. Niman works closely with each member of the administrative team, supervising the implementation of camp policies and procedures and supporting the camp staff to ensure that every single camper has a summer that truly is out of this world!


© camp olam DALLAS 2024

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